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External Image Registries


In the Appcircle's containerized application ecosystem, users have the flexibility to access container images through various external image registries.

These external repositories serve as integral components, offering users different avenues to retrieve and manage container images based on their preferences and infrastructure requirements.

These services act as intermediaries, facilitating seamless image retrieval, caching frequently accessed images, and providing enhanced security measures for image distribution.

Appcircle Registry Configuration

For the Appcircle server to work with your own container image registry, you should add an additional setting to the global.yaml file of your project.

  • Log in to the Appcircle server with SSH or a remote connection.

  • Go to the appcircle-server directory.

  • Edit the global.yaml file of your project.


The spacetech in the example codes below is an example project name.

Please find your own project name and replace spacetech with your project name.

To see projects, you can check the projects directory.

ls -l ./projects
vi ./projects/spacetech/global.yaml
  • Find the image key. If it doesn't exist in global.yaml, add it.

  • The image key should be configured with your registry details:

    • url: Registry URL. (For our example, "").
    • username: Username of the registry.
    • password: Password of the registry.
    • requiredLogin: If this variable is set to true, the Appcircle server will use the username and password variables to login to the registry. If the end-user is logged in to his artifact registry manually, or the registry doesn't need authentication, then this variable should be false.
username: registryUsername
password: superSecretPassword
requiredLogin: true

Sonatype Nexus Configuration

To use Sonatype Nexus as your proxy registry, you should follow the below steps.

  • Create a new repository in Nexus with the type of docker (proxy).
  • Set the registry name and port as you wish.
  • Set the Remote Storage as
  • For the authentication section, you should set Username as _json_key and Password as the content of the cred.json file. See the sample screenshot here.
  • For SSL, the recommended way is to use a reverse proxy in front of Nexus.

You can see some sample screenshots below from Nexus UI for a sample configuration.

  • After you created the repository, you should add the below section to the global.yaml file with your Nexus registry url, username and password.
  • If you can access your Nexus repository without authentication, you should leave the username and password fields empty and set requiredLogin to false.
requiredLogin: false

In order to proxy Appcircle's registry from the Nexus registry, the registry.url in global.yaml must end with

  • /appcircle/docker-registry

The example global.yaml section above is suitable with the example Nexus proxy registry settings shown in the screenshots above.


If you face any issue about "manifest not found" when you try to run ./ -n "spacetech" up, try pulling the images one by one from the Nexus proxy registry.

Pulling Images On By One script below will force Nexus to pull the images from Appcircle's registry one by one, not in parallel.

Nexus has some issues when pulling images in parallel.

Mirroring Images

You can mirror Appcircle container images from the Google Artifact Registry to your local registry.

Since there are many images to mirror, you can use a bash script to mirror the images instead of pulling, re-tagging, and pushing them back to your local registry.

To mirror images automatically, you can follow the steps below:

As a pre-requirement, you need to be authenticated to the Google Artifact Registry.

  • You should already have a cred.json file, which you should have taken from us.

To authenticate with your container engine, run the command below:

cat cred.json | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin

You should see the "Login Succeeded" message after the command execution.

You can find all container images in the docker-images.txt file, which is in the Appcircle server package.

  • If you are on the Appcircle server host, go to the appcircle-server directory.
cd appcircle-server
  • Create a bash script to mirror the container images.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the bash script:

# Set the source registry URL

# Set the destination registry URL

# Loop through each line of the file and pull, tag, and push the Docker image
while read -r IMAGE_NAME || [ -n "$IMAGE_NAME" ]; do
if [[ ${IMAGE_NAME:0:1} == "#" ]]; then
echo "Pulling image: $IMAGE_NAME"
docker pull $IMAGE_NAME
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Image pulled successfully: $IMAGE_NAME"
# Replace source registry URL with the new registry URL
# Tag the image with the destination registry URL and repository name
# Push the tagged image to the destination registry
docker push $IMAGE_TAG
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Image pushed successfully: $IMAGE_NAME"
echo "Failed to push image: $IMAGE_NAME"
echo "Failed to pull image: $IMAGE_NAME"
done < docker-images.txt

The sample value for DEST_REGISTRY_URL in the script above must be changed with your container image registry.

To find your destination registry URL, please head to your external image registry and check for pull/push command.

For example, if you're using


template for pull/push, the destination registry URL (DEST_REGISTRY_URL) should be


Keep in mind that the destination image registry url must not end with /.

  • Make the script file executable.
chmod +x
  • Run the script to mirror all the container images.

If your registry is not using HTTPS, you may get an error during the Docker/Podman push step.

You need to add your registry as an insecure registry. Please check the Insecure Registry section to configure an HTTP registry.

Insecure Registry

By default, Docker tries to connect to the server with HTTPS and from the 443 port.

If your registry is running over HTTP, then you should define your registry as an insecure registry in the Docker daemon.

Edit the daemon.json file, whose default location is /etc/docker/daemon.json.

sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json

If the daemon.json file does not exist, you should create it. Assuming there are no other settings in the file, it should have the following contents:

"insecure-registries": [""]

If you don't specify the port number in the daemon.json above, Docker will try to use the default HTTP port, which is 80.

If your registry runs on a port other than 80, you must specify it in the daemon.json file, like in the example above.

Restart the Docker daemon for the changes to take effect.

sudo systemctl restart docker

Now you can connect to your registry with HTTP without any errors.

Pulling Images One By One

If you are having problems pulling all the images in parallel, like happens in Nexus, you can use the script below to pull images one by one.

  • Create a bash script to to pull images one by one.
  • Copy and paste the following code into the bash script:

# Don't change this.

# Set the proxy registry URL.

sed -i "s|${SRC_REGISTRY_URL}|${DEST_REGISTRY_URL}|g" docker-images.txt

# Loop through each container image name and pull the container image.
while read -r IMAGE_NAME || [ -n "$IMAGE_NAME" ]; do
if [[ ${IMAGE_NAME:0:1} == "#" ]]; then
echo "Pulling image: $IMAGE_NAME"
docker pull $IMAGE_NAME
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Image pulled successfully: $IMAGE_NAME"
echo "Failed to pull image: $IMAGE_NAME"
done < docker-images.txt

sed -i "s|${DEST_REGISTRY_URL}|${SRC_REGISTRY_URL}|g" docker-images.txt

You should replace the DEST_REGISTRY_URL variable per your needs.

Let's assume that the URL of your Sonatype Nexus proxy registry is


and your container image pull command without an image name is


Then the DEST_REGISTRY_URL should be like below:

  • Make the script file executable.
chmod +x
  • Run the script to pull all the container images one by one.